Alcoholism is a very tough disease to overcome, as the temptations
are everywhere, and are generated both physically and mentally in your body.
Orange juice is a great remedy for alcoholism because it can flood your body with sugars, eliminating the remaining alcohol and making additional cravings less likely. Also, orange juice is great when you are a recovering alcoholic, as a great deal of repair is likely needed on your liver.
The high vitamin C content in orange juice will help stimulate the production of collagen and increase the healing speed of your liver.are everywhere, and are generated both physically and mentally in your body.
Orange juice is a great remedy for alcoholism because it can flood your body with sugars, eliminating the remaining alcohol and making additional cravings less likely. Also, orange juice is great when you are a recovering alcoholic, as a great deal of repair is likely needed on your liver.
Ulevi ni tabia ngumu kuacha, majaribu huwa ni mengi yanayopelekea hamu ya kunywa vilevi, na hamu hii huzalishwa kiakili katika mwili wako. Juisi ya machungwa ni dawa nzuri ya ulevi kwa sababu inaweza kuzalisha sukari mwilini, hii husaidia kuondoa kilevi kilichobaki mwilini na kupunguza tamaa iliyopo. Pia, juisi ya machungwa ni nzuri katika kupooza ulevi, na ni muhimu katika kuinda hali ya ini. Vitamini C inayopatikana kwenye juisi ya machungwa inasaidia kuchochea uzalishaji wa collagen na kuongeza kasi ya uponyaji wa ini.
Honey and lemon have been recommended for hundreds of different health conditons over the years, but recently, their effects on alcoholism have brought them back into the spotlight. These two simple components can be mixed together to effectively detox the body following an alcoholic binge. The fructose contained in lemon and honey will quickly eradicate the remaining traces of alcohol in your body, helping to speed up your hangover recovery, but also countering your craving for more alcohol and simple sugars. Lemon juice and honey can be consumed once a day during the withdrawal process.
ASALI NA LIMAOAsali na limao vimependekezwa kwa ajili ya mamia ya misaada tofauti ya afya kwa miaka mingi, Viungo hivi viwili vinaweza kuchanganywa kwa pamoja na kusaidia kusafisha mfumo mwii kutokana na ulevi. Fructose (aina ya sukari) zilizomo katika limao na asali husaidia kusafisha kwa haraka mabaki ya kilevi katika mwili wako, kusaidia kuongeza kasi ya kupona kwa maumivu na uchovu mwilini vitokanavyo na ulevi, lakini pia husaidia kukinga tamaa ya pombe. Juisi ya asali na limao inaweza kutumiwa mara moja kwa siku wakati wa mchakato wa uondoaji wa mabaki ya kilevi.
Dates may not be your most popular fruit to consume, but it does have a surprisingly postive impact on the symptoms of alcoholism. Dates are packed with minerals and nutrients, helping to recover many of the lost minerals and vitamins your body needs, that have been denied it during an alcoholic binge. You can soak 5-6 dates in water overnight and then consume them each morning. Dates also possess a number of antioxidants and other compounds to detoxify the body and protect the health of the liver, provided you cease abusing alcohol once you start adding dates to your daily intake.
Tende ina athari chanya juu ya dalili za ulevi. Tende zimejaa madini na virutubisho, na kusaidia kufidia madini mengi na vitamini zinazohitajika mwilini, ambayo vilizuiliwa na kiwango cha kilevi baada ya kunywewa kwa wingi. Unaweza kuloweka tende 5-6 katika maji kwa usiku mmoja na kisha ukazila kila asubuhi. Tende pia huwa na idadi ya antioxidants ( vipinga sumu) na viungo vingine vinavyosaidia kutoa sumu mwilini hivyo kulinda afya ya ini, ikiwa utaacha ulevi mara tu utakapoanza kuongeza tende katika ulaji wako wa kila siku.
When you suffer from alcoholism, your body is attacked in many different ways, and this addiction can affect you in ways that you never expected. Those who regularly abuse alcohol have much lower potassium levels, which means that blood pressure can rise, fluid balance can suffer, and overall metabolism can decline. You can replace this potassium that your body is losing by consuming bananas, which are some of the most concentrated sources of potassium out there. If you suffer from alcoholic tendencies, a good way to boost your health and start to recover is to start each day with a banana!
NDIZIUnaposumbuliwa na tabia ya ulevi, mwili wako unashambuliwa kwa njia nyingi, na tabia hii kukuathiri wewe kwa njia ambazo haujawahi kutarajia. Wale ambao hutumia pombe mara nyingi huwa na viwango vya chini vya potasiamu, ambayo ina maana kwamba shinikizo la damu linaweza kuongezeka, usawa wa maji unaweza kuathirika, na mfumo wa kimetaboliki mwilini unaweza kupungua kwa ujumla. Unaweza kufidia nafasi ya potasiamu hii ambayo mwili wako unapoteza ndizi, ambazo ni baadhi ya vyanzo vilivyojilimbikizia potasiamu. Ikiwa unakabiliwa na tamaa za kilevi, njia nzuri ya kukuza afya yako na kuanza kurejesha hali ya kawaida ni kuanza kila siku na ndizi!
Apples are often considered one of the most basic and easily overlooked fruits in our diet, but the unique nutrients and acids contained in apples, specifically their skin, can be very effective in combating the worst aspects of alcoholism. The active ingredients in apples have been linked to reducing the cravings associated with alcoholism, and they can also stimulate the expulsion of toxins from the body. The rich blend of vitamins and minerals found in apples can also help get your body back on track, rather than allowing you to fall back into a relapse.
APPLE Mara nyingi apples huchukuliwa kuwa mojawapo ya matunda yenye urahisi wa kupuuzwa katika mlo wetu, lakini virutubisho vya kipekee na asidi zilizomo kwenye apples, hasa ganda lake, zinaweza kuwa na umuhimu sana katika kupambana na mambo mabaya zaidi yatokanayo na ulevi. Viungo vilivyopo kwenye apples vimehusishwa na upunguzaji wa tamaa zinazohusiana na ulevi, na pia zinaweza kuchochea utoaji wa sumu mwilini. Mchanganyiko wenye utajiri wa vitamini na madini yanayopatikana kwenye apples unaweza kusaidia mwili wako kurudia hali ya kawaida.
Ginger root is one of the most common natural remedies prescribed to alcoholics, due to its unusually high concentration of antioxidants, anxioyltic compounds and stimulating substances. If you regularly consume ginger root following a firm commitment to stop your alcoholic ways, then your chances of success are greatly improved. Not only does ginger root help boost your immune system, but it also stimulates detoxifying processes in the body, which can eliminate alcohol faster and ensure that your liver heals itself as fast as possible. Ginger root tea can also be very effective in calming cravings.
Mizizi ya tangawizi ni mojawapo ya tiba ya asili kwa kudhibiti ulevi, kutokana na mkusanyiko wake wa kawaida wa vipingasumu, viungo vinavyohimiza utulivu wa akili, na vichocheo vya mwili. Ikiwa unatumia mizizi ya tangawizi mara kwa mara baada ya kujijengea msimamo wa kuachana na tabia za ulevi, basi uwezekano wa kufanikiwa ni mkubwa. Sio tu kwamba mizizi ya tangawizi inasaidia kuongeza mfumo wako wa kinga mwilini, lakini pia huchochea mchakato wa kutoa sumu katika mwili, ambao unaweza kuondoa mabaki ya kilevi mwilini na kuhakikisha kwamba ini lako inapona kwa haraka iwezekanavyo. Tiba ya chai ya mizizi ya tangawizi pia inaweza kuwa na ufanisi sana katika kudhibiti na kutuliza hamu ya kilevi.
While many people would suggest that replacing alcohol with caffeine is essentially the same as trading one drug for another, the benefits of coffee can directly affect the symptoms that are so common in alcoholism, including headaches. Caffeine has the ability to reduce the constriction of blood vessels, which can often happen when the body is dehydrated. Also, caffeine can directly counter the headaches that occur following an intense binge of alcohol. 1-2 cups of coffee per day can stimulate the system and prevent the inevitable cravings that most alcoholics will experience after the alcohol has left their system
Wakati watu wengi wangeona kuwa badala ya pombe utumiaji kahawa (caffeine) hautaleta matokeo tofauti. Faida za kahawa zinaweza kuathiri moja kwa moja dalili zitokanazo na ulevi, ikiwa ni pamoja na maumivu ya kichwa. (Kafeini) ina uwezo wa kupunguza ukakamavu wa mishipa ya damu, ambayo inaweza kutokea mara nyingi wakati mwili umepungukiwa na maji. Pia, kahawa inaweza kudhibiti moja kwa moja maumivu ya kichwa yanayotokea baada ya kunywa pombe kwa wingi mara moja. Vikombe 1-2 vya kahawa kwa siku vinaweza kuchochea mfumo na kuzuia tamaa zisizoepukika ambazo wanywaji wengi wa pombe watapata baada ya kilevi kuisha katika mifumo yao ya mwili.
One of the most fundamental effects of consuming alcohol is dehydration, as the alcohol literally sucks the liquid from your body, leaving you with headaches, nausea and other unpleasant side effects. Our bodies are composed of roughly 75% water, and when alcohol depletes those levels to compensate for the effects it has on the body, the effects are incredibly obvious. If you are suffering from alcoholism, one of the best ways to eliminate the terrible symptoms is to flush your body with water as often as possible. This will prevent the more serious side effects that so many alcoholics experience.
Mojawapo ya athari zitokanazo na kunywa pombe ni kukausha maji mwilini, jinsi pombe inavyochochea kunyonya maji kutoka kwenye mwili wako, hukuachia maumivu ya kichwa, kichefuchefu na madhara mengine mabaya. Miili yetu inajumuisha maji walau 75%, hivyo pombe itapopunguza viwango hivyo, inabidi kulipa fidia sababu madhara kwenye mwili, ni dhahiri sana. Ikiwa unakabiliwa na ulevi, mojawapo ya njia bora zaidi za kuondoa athari hizi ni kuupa mwili maji mara nyingi iwezekanavyo.
By Sylvia Senkoro
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